About Us

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Our story

A few years back, a husband, wife, and their two young daughters went on a family vacation to Hawaii. While there, the family visited a number of different shave ice shops and tasted all kinds of delicious tastes and realized they all REALLY liked shave ice. A lot.

That family was our family. And we discovered we liked shave ice so much, in fact, that we didn’t want to stop eating it when we left Hawaii. So when we went back home to Florida we bought a well-used Hatsuyuki shave ice machine that we found on Craigslist and set to work figuring out how to fix it up and get it working again. Which we did. And it was a blast!

It’s said that some of the childhood memories we hold on to the most as we grow up are ones having to do with family and food. So, we figured making shave ice with our kids might be a fun way to create some happy memories. 

Anyway, that’s how our family’s obsession started. Since then we have had some really fun times trying to recreate different shaved ice concoctions from different cultures around the world. At some point along the way we decided to create happyshaveice.com to share what we were doing and learning.

In the couple years since then, we’ve heard from lots of awesome people who found our little site useful. That feedback felt amazing and gave us the courage to keep posting. It also inspired us to write a book on the subject. 

Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out what we’ve been up to. This site wouldn’t be here without your support.


Stay chill, friends